A journey of self-discovery and connection to Life
A space for learning, self-learning & Self-discovery
This journey is for all those in search of truth with themselves and the world, all those who need to withdraw from the external rhythm and reconnect to their inner rhythm.
This course is designed for:
> any beginner* or advanced Yoga, Meditation or Qi Gong practitioner who wants to deepen their practice, whether on a physical, energetic or spiritual level
> anyone who wants to:
> go into a journey of self discovery,
> deepen the relation with themselves and universal realm
> deepen their connection to Life
> anyone who wants to learn the fundamental skills to:
> Teach Yoga, including Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation
> Create a safe space for both teacher and students
> Set up and hold the space with respect, alignment and integrity
*For any beginner in Yoga, a 2-months pre-training program has to be completed

The Tantric path
Tantra, in its universality,
is the connection we have with Life.
Inside, and by reflection, outside of us.
This connection always exists, as we are alive.
It is the awareness of this connection that we activate through the practices.
This takes many dimensions and levels of consciousness.
It requires abandoning the pursuit of Goals and objectives.
This is the teaching of the Tibetan Masters.
The sequence of practices, whether it be physical practices, breathing work,
focusing of attention, leads us to a greater awareness of our multi-dimensionality,
as well as our physical presence, even in the most subtle way.
The Way of Tantra is a path of knowledge and Wisdom
for those who wish to embark on a path of humility and truth
towards themselves and the world.

Course Content
Technique & Yoga Practice – 95 hours
Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation & Mantra - analytical training in how to teach and practice the techniques
and guided practice of the techniques themselves.
Teaching Methodology – 40 hours
Includes principles of demonstration, physical, verbal, and non-verbal cuing techniques, observation, assisting and adjusting, professional development, Art of sequencing, teaching styles & themes, Practicum (10 hours contact), and business aspects of teaching yoga.
Anatomy, Physiology & Biomechanics – 35 hours
(includes 20 hours online courses on Physical Anatomy)
Includes both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) application to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc). Includes Electives hours – 15 hours of Subtle energetic anatomy: Five Koshas, Seven Main Chakras, Hara, Dan Tien, Nadis - Ida & Pingala, Sushumna, Meridians, Emotions, Five primordial elements.
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers – 30 hours
Includes Definitions, History, The Tantric Tibetan path,
the Secrets of the Ancient Yoga Scriptures,
the 8 Limbs of Yoga of Patanjali study
Post-Training - 25 Hours
Accumulated outside of teacher training hours as ‘non-contact’ hours:
Reading & writing (10 hours), Practicum Karma Yoga (10 hours), Class critics (5 hours).
Total 225 hours
Yoga Alliance approved program RYS Hours: 200 hours
Extra training hours: 25 hours.
Our teacher training program is internationally accredited and qualify for 200h Yoga Alliance Registration.
Graduates of our program who have demonstrated an understanding of the material and complete all requirements will be eligible to register as a RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) with Yoga Alliance,
that is an international recognition as a yoga teacher.

Leading Instructor
Marie Pierre Gay is an Experienced Yoga Teacher Registered with Yoga Alliance (RYT500), Kinesiologist and Reflexotherapist. She began her Yoga path 20 years ago with a Tibetan inspiration yoga that connected her to the lineage of Masters Marpa and Milarepa.​
She transmits her knowledge about Energy, Yoga and Tantra, that she has been awakening and experimenting over the 20 last years.
Her teachings of Yoga and Tantra are all about
the connection that we have with Life,
inside and outside.
Through an alchemy of embodied movement, breath work and voice activation, she activates remembrance of ancient wisdoms, and bring us into our own sacred space, to raise and shine our powerful, wise and true presence.
To know more about her transmission :
Other teachers
Arnaud Colin is alchemist.
He carries within the teachings relating to the alchemy of Life, the alchemy of the five elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Ether, balanced by the three kingdoms: plant, mineral, animal.
He teaches by channeling from the age of 12 on all the states of consciousness that the human beings carry. He now accompanies groups of students all over the world and teaches them the conscious presence in the alchemy of Life.
The sensitivity he carries allows him to see and hear both manifested and un-manifested worlds. He is a psychic surgeon who intervenes on the various bodies, physical and energetic, and the memories they carry.

Are you ready for a deep transformative journey?
Are you ready to step in your own personal power?
Are you ready to embrace your magic and your teacher qualities?

You transmitted to me with accuracy and passion the knowledge I needed, whether theoretical or practical.
Your unique approach to yoga and your teaching have taught me to feel, to sense, to listen, to teach, to transmit in a simple, instinctive and playful way.
And you have awakened in me a desire and a joy to teach that is more vibrant than ever.
These weeks have been like years, a real journey.
You have created the space for this wonderful inner transformation."

7:30 - 9:00 | Morning practice: Asana, Pranayama & Meditation
9:00 - 10:00 | Breakfast
10:00 - 13:00 | Teaching skills: holding space, opening the voice,
personal development technics
13:00 - 15:00 | Lunch & relaxation
15:00 - 16:00 | Yoga sequencing, assisting & adjusting, postures clinics
16:00 - 17:30 | History, philosophy, ethics, Subtle energy anatomy
18:00 - 19:00 | Yin & Restorative
Daily sample schedule

Want to join this life changing adventure?
Download and read attentively
the pre & post training informations here:
Download the Book list here:
Then, fill the application form below:
To talk about your project, we can connect via Whatsapp +33612182657